Fun Facts About Melinda:
Fav Movies?
- Lord of the Rings (I definitely am part Elf)
- A Knight's Tale ("It's called a lance, helloooo!")
- The Holiday (for some good old British Rom Com)
- Avatar
- Interstellar
- Remember the Titans
Fav Books?
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
- Nancy Drew (I read all 63 books of the series. In order.)
- If I Just Had Two Wings, by Virginia Frances Schwartz
- Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda
Fav Food?
- Sweet Potatoes
- Pitaya & yellow watermelon? (it's so fun discovering gorgeous produce at the farmers' markets)
Fav Destinations?
- Florence, Italy
- The mystical mountains in Vancouver, BC
- The Pyramids of Egypt
- Temples in India
Can't Live Without?
- Watching sunsets. Standing directly in the sun and feeling its warmth, gives me instant recharge and grounding. Every sunset is its own unique masterpiece, a canvas in the sky - another one just like it will never happen again. They enrapture me.
- Be disciplined with a sleep schedule. Winding down at night early, and waking up at 6:30am feels amazing. It gives you SO much more time in the day to accomplish what you need to do. Plus, in Ayurveda, it is said that your body's essential regeneration processes occur nightly between 10pm and midnight... and most of us these days aren't even asleep during that critical window! So from being a night owl to now an early riser, I can say that you will be exceedingly more productive, yet also feel more rested because of the QUALITY of sleep (not number of hours); it supports lucid dream states, reduces inflammation, lowers anxiety, and allows you to get all the essentials done first thing in the morning (like a workout class, meditation, stretch, or breathwork) and have plenty of leftover hours to be creative and ultimately pursue your higher purpose. You get in synch with the natural rhythm of nature... waking up with the sunrise, and winding down with the sunset.
Unsolicited advice / digression over :)
A Recommended Must-Do?
- Sit with yourself. Self inquire: If I am not my thoughts, who is the one hearing them? If I am not my feelings, who is the one feeling them? Be the observer of your mind in meditation and get to know and embrace the beautiful Soul you are.
- Take time to discover what lights you up, and share your gifts with the world... we need it!
- Love love love. Act with kindness, and watch how you receive it back from others and life itself.

My name is Melinda Michael. I am an on-camera Actress, Voice Over Artist, Motion Capture Performer, and International Model. At age 4, I began performing on stage in plays, musicals and dance recitals, ranging over the years from Shakespearean theatre (including Ortensia in Twelfth Night) to leading a production (playing Alice in Alice in Wonderland), and even being cast in an Italian comedy (again an Ortensia, in Mistress of the Inn or La Locandiera).
My love for movies has been my biggest motivation to take on a professional career in the film and television industry. I deeply desire to help move people in such a way that cinema has always touched and inspired my own heart.
Developing myself, and an insatiable quest for knowledge, act as a guide for me in both my personal life and career. Exploring my artistry and self-expression has allowed me to discover further passions, including voicing children's animation (after all, Arthur was definitely my daily dose of entertainment growing up), and bringing action-filled characters to life in the fantastical worlds of video games, through the craft of motion capture (I find it perfectly unites my extensive training in MMA, dance and movement, with acting performance!).
I am based between Canada (Toronto & Vancouver) and Los Angeles. Most recently, my acting career gifted me with the opportunity to experience Bollywood, where I am thrilled to have shot a film that showed me around the astounding locations of Mumbai, Jaipur and Rishikesh.
My Interests:
TRAVELING: 21 countries and counting! My jet setting adventures having included exploring Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Belgium, England, Wales, Ireland, India, Egypt (going inside the pyramids was magical), Dubai (the Burj Khalifa is TALL), Abu Dhabi, Brazil, Turkey (those hot air balloons of Cappadocia!), Mexico, and the Caribbean - especially Dominica and Antigua, where my dad is from. I actually lived in Italy for 3 summers to study Italian, and Footwear Design at a fashion school in Florence.
REIKI: I am an Energy Healer. Certified Reiki Master. I am a Clairsentient, which means that I feel and can move energy both in myself, and others. Outside of schooling, my life long learning continues, particularly in the realm of Spirituality.
Interested in Reiki healing? I'd love to help you! I offer online healing sessions, powerfully clearing emotional, mental, physical energetic blocks, to clear your chakra and promote wellness, clarity and vitality. Be your happiest, healthiest you!
KIRTAN: Kirtan is musical mantra meditation, absorbing the potency of sound vibration amongst a group setting for cleansing the heart and an elevation of personal and collective consciousness. I sing in the ancient language of Sanskrit, while playing the harmonium, a beautifully resonate instrument from India. I currently lead kirtan events in Los Angeles at 'Hot 8 Yoga' studio and 'Mantra House'. I am also the former President of the Non Profit Organization, "Bhakti Yoga Vancouver." Anyone around me knows I never stop singing. I receive such upliftment by sharing my love of devotional music. Kirtan truly helped heal me and that drives my regular involvement in humanitarian work, like running my non-profit and volunteering at a rehab centre leading kirtans for teens.
MMA: I am always wanting to challenge myself by working out, HARD.
I have been training in Muay Thai / kickboxing and Boxing semi professionally since 2012, with Sweden's national coach, and with the incredible Peter Lee Thomas (you might know this extraordinary man as Halle Berry's trainer). I have done all my own stunt work and stage combat on set. I am also the Toronto Affiliate for the on-screen action based company, "On Camera Combatives."
YOGA BARRE INSTRUCTOR: I teach an intense fitness class called Yoga Barre. It is a combination of hot yoga (in 108 degrees) with weights and sculpt training. High intensity conditioning. Love it. Thank you to Hot 8 Yoga in Los Angeles, California, for my teacher certification & training, and the leadership platform to combine my longing for Spirituality, body confidence and power, and holistic wellness.
BIKING: Riding my bicycle = instant freedom. And it's my favorite mode of transportation. Biking around is a great way to get to know (and support!) your city's mom and pop shops, maybe that you wouldn't normally stop by or take a peak through the window to see, unless you were passing by on foot or bike. I honestly know all the cities I've lived in like the back of my hand because I think I've explored every nook and cranny of them thanks to biking!
ART + MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE: Growing up, I was a busy bee. This Type A perfectionist / interested-in-everything-classic-Gemini balanced extra curriculars both before and after school, while maintaining Honor's in my academics. I was on my school's skipping team (touring to other schools on behalf of the Heart and Stroke Foundation to teach kids how to skip and encourage a healthy, active lifestyle), as well as our basketball, volleyball, track and field, and cross country teams. During University, I played on the soccer team (Awarded "Rookie of the Year" - I had never played soccer prior to trying out!), was a member of the Silhouettes Dance Company (my childhood involved 16 long years of dance training), was in band, an international choir (we sang for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, at her Golden Jubilee in Toronto! Won Gold at the Choir Olympics - yes, that's a thing - in Bremen, Germany, and sang at Vimy Ridge in France), somehow stuck through piano lessons until achieving my Grade 8 Royal Conservatory of Music graduation, and of course, HAD to be on that stage, performing in theatre and musicals.
NUTRITION: Inadvertently became vegan in 2014, and am a foodie for gluten, soy and nut free (allergies). I do not drink alcohol or coffee at all - haven't for over 12 years. Nothing gives me energy in the morning to last the day (no crash, no dependency, no shakes) like making fresh, invigorating green juice. Try it. I am absolutely an advocate for health and wellness, and through first hand experience, understand deeply the connection between the mind and body, the gut-brain axis. What we ingest in our bodies - both through our food, and our thoughts - creates and reflects our internal and external environment. I healed myself from chronic Candida, SIBO, Leaky Gut, and parasites... when the doctors told me it was "all in my head." Don't lose hope. Healing and feeling peace and happiness from the inside out is possible. Trust me, I tried it all (herbs, naturopaths, acupuncture, osteopathy, cranial sacral therapy, colon hydrotherapy, Ozone, Biofeedback, Reiki, negative ion foot baths, flower remedies, laughter yoga, Mystery School magick... I sought out whatever I could get my hands on). Ultimately, while recovering from a surgery, I got to witness how the body is designed to heal, and appreciate the miracle it is (took me long enough to accept that truth). If you or someone you know is struggling with gut health or food sensitivies, it is my pleasure to share the knowledge I've accumulated and pay it forward. For me, meditation modalities were the key.
MEDITATION: I've been meditating regularly since 2013. I love Mantra Meditation (chanting Sanskrit mantras) - which can be done out loud, silently, or by singing (with one of my greatest joys... my harmonium instrument). Challenging myself mentally and physically, especially testing the limits of my mind, fascinates me. One time I fasted for 30 days, and another time, I embarked on 11 days of silence at a Vipassana in Joshua Tree, California. (The vow of silence means no phone, no reading, no talking; simply meditating starting at 4:30am every day, implementing the technique that Buddha used to become enlightened). I've been drawn to understanding and learning about different meditation and spiritual practices from various parts of the world, on my pursuit of happiness, and trained with numerous organizations to receive their ancient, sacred teachings. Having struggled severely with chronic depression in my early 20's, nothing became more important to me than my mission to have my mind be my best friend, supporting me, not controlling me.
MANIFESTATION: My friends call it "Melinda Magic." The most wildest experiences, the daily synchronicities, are what remind me that there is so much more to this life beyond what we can see. The receptivity of energy is undeniable. Most often, the manifestations happen as soon as the words leave my mouth, it's that instant. But it's not only me... we are all manifesting every day. Be conscious and aware of what beliefs, thoughts, and words you are emanating energetically.
Get clear on what you want, journal it, speak it into existence, declare it, visualize it, trust and believe it. Don't worry about the details of the How... the Universe is already transpiring to make it happen. You, my dear, are a magnet. Your external world is a reflection of your inner world. Your job is to keep up the frequency that can attract what it is you are seeking. Remember, it is seeking you too. You are responsible for creating your best life (co-creating it with God... go team!). So how do you want to choose to spend it? How can you be of service? What is the positive legacy you wish to impart on this world and our future generations?
LANGUAGES: I have always had an affinity for learning languages. I studied Italian, Spanish, French, Old English and while on my travels, taught myself some Greek over in Greece, and Hindi in India. Traveling lots and my fascination for languages, has lead me develop a keen skill for picking up accents and dialects.
Also, totally geeking out, but I would love to learn Elvish (or maybe land a role where I can play an Elf!).
HISTORY: Ever since childhood, I've been obsessed about many periods of history, my favorite being the Medieval, Victorian, and Elizabethan eras, the Renaissance, and Ancient Rome and Greece. This is a major influence for why I pursued acting. I wanted to live in these worlds more... and I can't get enough of those period costumes!
FILM SOUND SCORES: I'm that person blasting "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Avatar" soundtracks while driving in my car. John Williams is a legend.
MODELING: It's FUN to be quite the chameleon, transforming into different characters depending on the hair, make up, and wardrobe for the shoot.
Apparently I have "excellent body awareness", as photographers have often remarked on that by how I make postural adjustments instinctively. Hmm, I think it's because I step into their shoes, and envision what they are seeing in the camera, and from that, determine what angles and poses read best.
And most profoundly, ACTING.
It is an honor to be an artist, ever evolving, growing, and nurturing the Soul.
It gives me endless fulfillment to work/play everyday with such a wonderfully creative, diverse and talented community of filmmakers. The dreamers.
Humbly, I aspire to explore the depth of humanity, to use whatever platform I am given to spark inspiration and be a catalyst for positive change through characters I am blessed to breathe life into. I don't know how many countless times movies have changed my life, or taught me lessons of courage that supported me through the toughest challenges, or awakened something in me that I didn't even recognize was there until it was mirrored to me on-screen. So, if I can help others FEEL fully alive, expressed, seen, understood, or less alone, by being a representative from the stories that need to be told and the unique voices that need to be heard, then I am living on-purpose. I strive to give my all to you, always, and I hope my work contributes value to your life, expands your consciousness, and touches your heart.
Beaming you with Love & Blessings,